Aniriapolis_City_2512 was modeled and rendered in Bryce 4 and enhenced in Photoshop. (2000) The bioship was modeled and rendered in Bryce 4. (2000) The ship in the foreground is an Akirov type fighter and the big one in the background is an Exodus class battle cruiser. The Exodus was modeled in Rhino. The fighter was modeled in Bryce 4 and the hole scene was rendered in Bryce 4 and slightly enhanced in Photoshop. The finished pic is more than a 100Mb and 1 300 000 polys. (Dec. 2000) Here, you can see the back view of the Exodus. (Dec. 2000)
Orbital outpost modeled in Rhino and rendered in Bryce 4. (dec. 23rd, 00) The ship was done with Rhino then rendered with Bryce 4. The lens flare was added in Photoshop. March 2001. Takira mesh made in Rhino and rendered in Bryce 4. (March 2001)